If your Battery Management System is not working correctly or you're having some electrical issues with the 12v, follow these steps as best you can before calling us for assistance. Take note of what is shown on the display as well as what the status light on the BP35 shows, paying particular attention to the number of flashes in each cycle. This is the same for the BP35, BP35SR, BP35PM and BP35HA, As well as other systems like ASPero.
Proceed through them step by step and report the findings to us via support@caravanelectricalsolutions.com.au.
This will allow us to tell if there is a fault in the BatteryPlus35 unit and enable us to best decide the most appropriate course of action needed. You can easily print the attached form to make it easier to send the details to us or to keep on hand for future reference.
Before starting, take note of:
- What is shown on the Display. Include battery voltage, solar amps (or 00.0/--.-), Aux, charging/discharging, etc.
- System Status Light shown on BMS (bottom right-hand side)
- Load Status Light/s (at Positive Outputs)
Step 1 – Disconnect
1. Unplug mains.
2. Unplug battery terminals, check for loose/damaged terminal.
3. Unplug solar terminals, check for loose/damaged terminal.
4. Unplug chassis strap on negative output 1.
Step 2 – Check while waiting for BMS to discharge
1. Check battery voltage matches from batteries to battery terminals at BP35.
2. Check panel voltages (open circuit test).
3. Check panel amperage (short circuit test).
4. Check solar cables for shorts to ground using chassis strap or another suitable ground. Also, check for continuity between the two (+ve and -ve) lines going to the side Anderson plug if present.
Step 3 – Reconnect steps
Batteries not charging on mains:
1. Connect and power up mains, check lights.
2. With mains on, connect battery terminals.
3. Connect solar terminals- Negative in the rear, Positive in front.
4. Check to see if any charge is going to the batteries by status light, digital display and clamp-meter, if available.
5. Check closed circuit voltage of battery terminals while connected to BP35.
Batteries not charging on solar:
1. Connect battery terminals.
2. Connect solar terminals- Negative in the rear, Positive in front.
3. Check closed-circuit voltage is above 17.5v while connected to BP35.
4. Check to see if any charge is going to the batteries by status light, digital display and clamp-meter, if available.
5. Connect and power up mains after testing is complete.
Step 4- Request help
1. Contact CES via support@caravanelectricalsolutions.com.au or 03 9303 7033 (7:30 am-4:00 pm Mon-Thu, 7:30 am -3:30 pm Fri) to request help from our support team.
2. Provide chassis number, date of purchase, the model of BP35, description of fault and results of the above testing.